Hey there!

I’m Ginny - a freelance content writer and strategic partner who turns ideas into easy-to-digest blogs, ebooks, and courses. As a NASM Certified Nutrition Coach (and a bit of a wellness fanatic, if I do say so myself), I have a deep, science-based understanding of all things nutrition and well-being.

Every business owner is guilty of putting content, and especially blog content, on the back burner, labeled under “when we have time.” For most businesses and entrepreneurs, that time just never comes.

Here’s the thing: research shows that businesses with blogs produce 55% more web traffic and 67% more leads each month than those that don’t. Customers prefer to learn about a company via articles over advertisements - yep, there’s a statistic for that, too: 70% of people agree. (Hubspot)

I’m here to help you draw in readers and educate your people on all things wellness in a simple, approachable way. Oh, and we’ll position you as the expert in your field and turn leads into customers while we’re at it.

Ready to get to work? Contact me by clicking here, or check out my samples here.